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Monday, April 7, 2008

What do you write about?

For those of you that want to submit but have no idea on what to write. Just visit sites like DIGG. You can view what are the latest articles that everyone is crazy about.

If you don't know what digg is i suggest that you check out the website right now to learn more. Basically its a social site that you can read the latest most interesting articles or topics written by other people aroud the world. This can be a good tool to read only the most interesting stuff written instead of browsing through a bunch of stuff before you can read something interesting.

For the shortcut some of the most diggs in the past 24 hours click here.

My suggestion is to add some pictures or illustrations or even videos that are related to your topic. You can even make your own list of best "something" from you tube. The whole point is to get people to be interested in what you write. Just one thing, REMEMBER to link back to the people that you took the photos from and also check with them see if you are allowed to use their pictures. Generally they are ok with that because they get more hits to their sites.

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