Thank you for visiting this blog. I'm currently looking for part time writers for my next web project. For more information click here .
Wait there is more.. Currently i'm giving away up to RM200 if you submit an article . For more information Click Here.
To read what some others have already written go here

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Congratulation to the RM200 Winner

This is to announce that the winner of the part time writing RM200 giveaway is...

She just won RM200 by having the most Diggs on the article. She obtained a total of 16 diggs for her post. She wrote on What’s So “Beautiful” About Being Thin?

Yup it is just that easy. If you think you can do better then this. Keep coming back to this website to check for future money giveaways or more part time writing. Alternatively you can submit ur email on the right to suscribe to the feeds to your email. That way you wont miss out on future giveaways.

If you like this post, kindly


Unknown said...

may i know when is the next writing due and how much is the prize give away.. do reply.. thanks

Unknown said...

May I know when is the next submission and how much the prize is.. I would like to join.. Thanks.. Do reply

evangeliza said...

I actually haven't heard from you in quite some time. Hope to hear from you soon.
