Thank you for visiting this blog. I'm currently looking for part time writers for my next web project. For more information click here .
Wait there is more.. Currently i'm giving away up to RM200 if you submit an article . For more information Click Here.
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Monday, April 21, 2008

Thanks for all your Submission

Hello everyone,

For all those that have submited your articles. It is being publish now at part time reading. Now in order for you to Win the first RM200 giveaway. You will need to obtain the most diggs on Digg Tabulation day which is on 30th April.
To increase the number of diggs. All you need to do is just send the link of your article to your friends. If they like that article ask them to press the little button on the top right of your article called digg. It will bring them to another site. Just register for digg if they have not done so. Once they are on that site, they can add comments on why they like that article.
To those that miss this chance. Do not worry. There will be more coming soon.

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